Who is William P. Spence?

By: William Spence
Friday, June 30, 2023

I was raised in rural Indiana County. Prior to becoming a funeral director, I was employed for 12 years as an underground coal miner by Rochester & Pittsburgh Coal Company. In 1993, I graduated summa cum laude from Pittsburgh Institute of Mortuary Science. I have also earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management from Lebanon Valley College. My wife, Brenda, and I relocated to Lancaster County in 1994 when I accepted a position as funeral director with Frank S. Miller Funeral Home in Elizabethtown. I was employed by Miller Funeral Home for 11 years prior to opening William P. Spence Funeral & Cremation Services, Inc., in May 2005, in Manheim. Brenda and I attend Elizabethtown Brethren in Christ Church. I am also a member and past president of the Rotary Club of Manheim, as well as member of Manheim Chamber of Commerce, District Govenor of Pennsylvania Funeral Directors Association, and past president and current member of Lancaster County Funeral Directors Association. 

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